Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath away.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Little Snails and Ponytails

I have to help spread the word for my sister Amber and her sister-in-law Kristen. They have opened a boutique that sells baby and kids stuff. Their stuff ranges from blankets and bedding to clothing and accessories and even room decor. So, if you are on the market for adorable stuff, you better check them out! You can see some of their stuff at Their website is under construction, but should be up soon! BUt here is a little looksie!

Diaper cake. What a great gift idea!


Kristen said...

Thanks for getting the word out! I LOVE your new layout btw.

Amber 'N' Dan said...

Now Kristen.....let's not get carried away and actually give Jennie credit. We all know she did not do anything on her blog except take her heinous picture off. And I can say all this, because I know she will never even read this. HA

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, what a beautiful page. This is probably the best one I have ever seen. Of course this is the only one I have seen, but I am sure that if I had seen a lot of blogs that I would still think yours was the best. Anyway, like I always say, "Don't go a changin"